Is Fracking a Good Idea?

Part One of a Four Part Series by Wes Wilson, former Environmental Engineer for the EPA.

Earlier this month I had an unusual request.  Our nephew in Pennsylvania is a middle school principal and one of the teachers there has a 9th grade science class that decided to study fracking.  They presented me with six challenging […]

2017-05-08T12:11:14+00:00 February 2nd, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Is Fracking a Good Idea?

The Economic Impact of Shale Gas Development: Can New York Learn from Texas?

While New York State is deciding whether to issue permits for shale gas exploration and development, it may be helpful to look to other states where shale gas development is already occurring. Are areas with intensive shale gas drilling doing well economically?

2013-01-24T20:24:08+00:00 May 23rd, 2012|Economic Impact|Comments Off on The Economic Impact of Shale Gas Development: Can New York Learn from Texas?