A pipeline without a purpose

[The following comments by Bill Huston are extracted from an email thread, with his permission.]

Q1: What is the STATED reason for the Constitution Pipeline?
A1: Lack of take-away capacity in NE PA.

Whoops! #1 According to David Hughes, the field declines so rapidly, they have to keep drilling MANY wells just to keep production flat.

Audio Podcast 1: […]

2017-07-03T13:43:20+00:00 August 12th, 2013|Economic Impact, Uncategorized|Comments Off on A pipeline without a purpose

New York State Bills to Protect Public Health from Radon in Natural Gas

Damascus Citizens Press Release

New York State Bills to Protect Public Health from Radon in Natural Gas
New York region

Damascus Citizens for Sustainability(DCS) applauds NYS Assembly member Linda Rosenthal and NYS Senator Diane Savino for their introduction of critical  legislation to protect public health from exposure to radon in natural gas.  According to […]

2013-06-16T17:50:52+00:00 June 16th, 2013|Environmental Impact|Comments Off on New York State Bills to Protect Public Health from Radon in Natural Gas

Ignoring the science on gas migration: Part III

Last year, contributor Joe Levine wrote a letter to Commissioner Joe Martens of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation regarding the failure of the draft SGEIS to address the issue of fluid and gas migration related to horizontal hydro-fracking. The letter attached numerous primary source documents, but itself stands as a valuable and concise reference […]

Ignoring the science on gas migration: Part II

Last year, contributor Joe Levine wrote a letter to Commissioner Joe Martens of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation regarding the failure of the draft SGEIS to address the issue of fluid and gas migration related to horizontal hydro-fracking. The letter attached numerous primary source documents, but itself stands as a valuable and concise reference […]