Howarth on the science of natural gas and climate change

A recent article at (a project of National Public Radio stations) reported that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection had tried to exclude from a legally mandated report on climate change in the state a Cornell study by Professor Robert Howarth arguing that natural gas, on a life-cycle basis, may be […]

2017-07-05T09:37:14+00:00 August 29th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Howarth on the science of natural gas and climate change

A pipeline without a purpose

[The following comments by Bill Huston are extracted from an email thread, with his permission.]

Q1: What is the STATED reason for the Constitution Pipeline?
A1: Lack of take-away capacity in NE PA.

Whoops! #1 According to David Hughes, the field declines so rapidly, they have to keep drilling MANY wells just to keep production flat.

Audio Podcast 1: […]

2017-07-03T13:43:20+00:00 August 12th, 2013|Economic Impact, Uncategorized|Comments Off on A pipeline without a purpose

Is Fracking a Good Idea?

Part One of a Four Part Series by Wes Wilson, former Environmental Engineer for the EPA.

Earlier this month I had an unusual request.  Our nephew in Pennsylvania is a middle school principal and one of the teachers there has a 9th grade science class that decided to study fracking.  They presented me with six challenging […]

2017-05-08T12:11:14+00:00 February 2nd, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Is Fracking a Good Idea?