About Damascus Citizens

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So far Damascus Citizens has created 14 blog entries.

DCS Letter to Incoming DRBC Director Tambini

Letter from Damascus Citizens for Sustainability to Steve Tambini, incoming Executive Director of the Delaware River Basin Commission (download the letter as a pdf):

August 20, 2014

Mr. Steve Tambini
Executive Director
Delaware River Basin Commission
25 State Police Drive
P.O. Box 7360
West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360

Dear Mr. Tambini,

As the new Executive Director of the Delaware River […]

2017-07-05T09:38:32+00:00 August 21st, 2014|DRBC, Environmental Impact|Comments Off on DCS Letter to Incoming DRBC Director Tambini

Coal Displacing Nat Gas…Already

Posted on Energy Policy Forum: 30 Oct 2013 10:28 AM PDT
By Deborah Lawrence Rogers

In January, 2012, the price of nat gas plunged to below $2/mcf due to overproduction by shale operators. Such low prices did, indeed, prompt utilities to switch from coal fired generation to natural gas fired […]

2017-07-03T13:32:41+00:00 October 31st, 2013|Economic Impact, Renewables vs. Fossil Fuels|Comments Off on Coal Displacing Nat Gas…Already

Fracking Fuels Unique ArtPrize Entry

Along with Michigan and The ArtPrize folks, we celebrate artist, long-time fracktivist (and DCS Steering Committee member) Brandi Merolla for her dedication, creativity and for bringing the world to us in her own inimitable way. The following was posted on the WMEAC blog on September 5, 2013 by  williamdeboer.  Click here […]

2017-07-03T12:36:56+00:00 September 30th, 2013|Environmental Impact|Comments Off on Fracking Fuels Unique ArtPrize Entry

Howarth on the science of natural gas and climate change

A recent article at stateimpact.npr.org (a project of National Public Radio stations) reported that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection had tried to exclude from a legally mandated report on climate change in the state a Cornell study by Professor Robert Howarth arguing that natural gas, on a life-cycle basis, may be […]

2017-07-05T09:37:14+00:00 August 29th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Howarth on the science of natural gas and climate change